Okay, the shitfest known as 2010 is in the history books now. On a personal level, it was quite possibly the worst year of my life. I'm not necessarily a firm believer in a new year meaning a new start, but I'm willing to bend a bit this year. At any rate, let's take a look at how my movie watching went...
I finished the year having watched 450 dvds. If you were to factor in movies that I saw theatrically and/or stuff that I dozed off while watching and didn't count, I'd have probably crossed the 500 mark. Quite amazing considering that I'd set 365 as my goal at the beginning. I didn't manage to review everything like I'd intended. I didn't expect to, honestly.
At any rate, I've decided to take on this challenge again for 2011. So, the next post you will see will find the count starting at 1 all over again. No reviews this year though, as I was never much of a reviewer to begin with.