Friday, June 4, 2010

Shrek Forever After

Shrek Forever After is the fourth and (supposed) last installment in the Shrek series.

This one sees Shrek settling down into the family life. He's married to Fiona and has 3 babies. He begins having doubts about the ogre he has become. Luckily for him, he stumbles upon Rumpelstiltskin. Rumpel offers Shrek the opportunity to relive his past and experience one more day as the monstrous ogre he'd once been. Shrek jumps at the chance. Unfortunately for him, Rumpel is a bit of a trickster and while he gives Shrek what he wishes for, it's not exactly how Shrek wanted it to go. be careful what you wish just might get it.

I haven't been all that enamored with the previous movies in this series. I'd seen the first two and didn't think they were anything all that special. I'd somehow managed to avoid the third one. I figured I'd avoid this one as well but the kid really wanted to see it and I have a tough time telling him no. Story of my life.

The story here was alright. Shrek seeing an alternate reality broke the monotony that I'd encountered in the first sequel. There were a few parts aimed at the older audience members that made me chuckle a bit. The voice actors were all good with all of the regulars reprising their roles.

Overall, Shrek Forever After was a decent enough flick. It's not worth rushing out to see but it'd make an alright matinee with the kids in your life.

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