Tuesday, January 5, 2010

1.4.2010 and 1.5.2010

Two days in a row with nothing to show for it. Last night, I was transported back to 1998 with an evening chock full of pro wrestling. I've been a wrestling fan since I was 8. There have been good times and bad times for the product. The late 90s were a great time. There were two big companies, the WWF and WCW. Both aired live programs on Monday nights. There was typically a lot of excitement, as anything could happen. My roommate at the time, John, was a WCW fan and I was a WWF guy. We'd usually just compromise by flipping channels during both shows so we could have the best of both worlds. That ended in March of 2001 when WCW was essentially put out of business and then purchased by WWF. Since that day, there has only been one big Monday night show. Until last night. TNA, a new-ish promotion based out of Orlando, Florida signed wrestling legend Hulk Hogan and decided to host a live 3 hour special. When I first heard about it, I was giddy with excitement. The days passed and rumors were spreading about what was going to happen, who was going to be making surprise appearances, etc. Well, last night was the night. I spent the hours from 8pm-11pm on the couch with the tv remote in my hand flipping back and forth as though the very fabric of my being depended on it. Instead of having John in the folding chair next to my dilapidated recliner, I had the wife on the couch next to me. She's not a wrestling fan at all but last night she temporarily became one to humor me.

As for tonight's goose egg, I've got nothing. I tried to start one but I wound up falling asleep. I guess we can chalk it up to an insanely long 8 day stretch of work finally catching up to me. It's killed me mentally and now it's knocked my dick in the dirt physically. As it stands right now, I'm more than likely going to post this blog and head straight to bed. I should be back to the movie watching tomorrow.

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